Monday, May 18, 2009


I started the pushups program at Hundred Pushups. I have to say that I did pretty embarrassingly bad on the initial test, but I'm sticking with it. I'm determined to be able to do 100 consecutive pushups by Christmas.

I also have decided (though haven't yet) to complete the squats program at Two Hundred Squats. I did considerably better on the squat test then I did on the pushups test. In fact, I did so well that I get to skip ahead to week 3. Squats have always been easy for me though, pushups on the other hand... pushups are hard.

Lastly, I've decided that I'd like to be able to do 50 consecutive pullups, but I'm not sure how realistic that is. For now, I've decided by the end of the summer I'd like to be able to do 20, which seems very attainable. I'll blog occasionally about this to update the nonexistent people that read this.

About Me

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There's too much to say about who I am in 1200 characters. I am Ian Forrest, and I'm really enjoying who I am becoming.