Thursday, October 2, 2008

Guess Who?

Computers really are amazing, I don't think people give them enough credit. Even I get frustrated when my quad-core, 4 gig of ram, FireGL, HP Workstation at the office takes longer than a few seconds to do something (seriously though, how is it possible that it can query a database with over a million records in a matter of a few milliseconds, but it take 5 seconds to open a file in Microsoft Office). I know people have heard this before but really all a computer is ever doing is sending a 0 or 1 to a processor, and that series of 0's and 1's is what determines a computer's outputs.

Can you imagine if the only way you could get things done was by asking yes or no questions? It would be like playing a game of Guess Who, except not fun (Does she have a long face? Yes. Would you say she has donkey-like qualities? Yes. Is she Sarah Jessica Parker? Yes.).

Life would be excruciating. So next time your computer takes a little more time than you'd like, remember what's going on in there.

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There's too much to say about who I am in 1200 characters. I am Ian Forrest, and I'm really enjoying who I am becoming.